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Tool or resource Description Related pages Registry A comprehensive registry of software and databases, facilitating researchers from across the spectrum of biological and biomedical science to find, understand, utilise and cite the resources they need in their day-to-day work. Sources Standards/Databases
Bioconda Bioconda is a bioinformatics channel for the Conda package manager Sources Tool info Training
Galaxy Galaxy is an open-source platform that allows researchers to analyze and share scientific data using interoperable APIs and various user-friendly web-based interfaces. Galaxy tools can be annotated with EDAM ontologies, IDs and linked to OpenEBench, Conda packages and BioContainers.
WorkflowHub WorkflowHub is a registry of computational workflows, agnostic to workflow systems, but with tighter integrations for Galaxy, Nextflow and Common Workflow Language. Assigns DOIs to FAIR Computational Workflow and packages workflows with their contextual using Bioschemas and the FAIR data packaging method RO-Crate. Sources